Sunday, September 26, 2010

It is September

It have been more than 6 months since the last time I wrote something here. Errmm... lots of things happened actually. Well, here we go... a quick summary


1) Zeah's lost her dad a shy two weeks before her big E day. It is hard for her. No doubt. Physically and emotionally, she is affected by it.

2) Got a news for the Paris conference. Paris!!!! Here I come!! Went to Paris and had a blast!


1) S****n lost her dad. It is unexpected. She called me. When she told me that she is glad that we had the little chat when she came in early April, I am speechless!!

2) Something happen in late March and I was diagnosed as having a depression. Learning and teaching those theories about abnormality and whatnot really do not prepare me for the situation and somebody has to point that out straight to my face to make me realize that I am depressed. Called Kak N and told her about it. I started to have small routine before and after I school. I will keep on doing the routine even after I finish studying.


1) Summer loving!!!! Kind of busy with my analysis chapters and Alhamdulillah for everything


1) Conferences: London - Paris - Sheffield


1) Writing up my quali chapters.... yup... I have done something....


1) 3 chapters.... and more to go and edited

2) Ramadhan.... it is a year....


1) Here I am ... it is already September...

2) K** grad last July. She is starting Masters in Sheffield.

3) Kak E*** is my new housemate.

4) Kak N is going to have her viva on 30 Sept and going back for good on 2 Oct. I will miss her terribly!!!! There is no more 'sudden call' every time or any time I feel blue... Ya Allah, I seek Your Guidance to ease our journey ... Aminnn....

That's all...