Sunday, April 7, 2013

I know, it has been so long ago since last time I posted something here....

Well, so many things have happened.  Remember my niece Sabrina that I told about her wedding long time ago?  She has two kids now (a girl, Asma and a boy, Amzar).  I am their Ocik (Tok Cik).

I find it kind of hard to write in this post... It seems that I do not have any idea to share.... errmmm.... anyway, I guess I could begin by summarising the what and whatnot that have happened back from July 2011 until now

I had my viva in August 2011.  It was one hellish moment.  I learn a lot from it.  Steve, my supervisor is really supportive when things are the hardest.  I went to UK again last July (July 2012) and this time around, my viva was so smooth and enjoyable.  I passed with no correction.  Alhamdulillah.

What else happened in 2011?  A month and a half after I have my viva, I went for hajj.  I feel unprepared, scared and sad... it is a mixture of feelings yet Alhamdulillah, Allah Grants me lots of the things that were in my prayers during Arafah day.  Alhamdulillah

Now, it is already 2013.  Yup.  How things fly!

Nothing much I guess, so before I start to ramble more nonsense, I guess, I better stop now.  Until then.