Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Whoah... it's June....

It has been a while since the last time I wrote something in this blog. Lots of things have happened. To summarize, my nephew got married mid May and the kenduri on his side was held in end of May. In between, I was in UPSI again. Also, I was in UIA, again (this time around, I didn't managed to distribute to the intended students. They are doing their ROS now. What a luck!). I went to Maktab BP and managed to interview one student. Went to MPTI and got back the questionnaire. Interviewed my second participant last week. Set a date for another interview on Tuesday. Tomorrow will have an interview. In between, key in the data (frantically!!!). To amuse myself, fbooking and checking the emails. Replying emails only to selected people. Uploading pictures from my camera (from my nephew's wedding). Settle some family matters..... and before I know it, I only have another 17 days left before I go back to UK. There are so many things need to be settled.

With the interview, well, let's be realistic here. To set a date is another thing. Most of the time, I have to reschedule the session as requested by the interviewees. With the school holiday, it is hard to meet the teachers and set the dates. Have a chat with my seniors. They adviced me that the research I am doing is just a PhD. With limitations (time, monetary budget and whatnot), I have to be realistic. Darn! My supervisor aka MIL knows better. No wonder la when I met her last March, she seems to be surprised when I told her that I want to get 2000++ participants and 12 people to be interviewed. She suggested that perhaps I should do my best. Errr... I am so slow in understanding her hidden message. What does it mean that I should do my best? I am doing the very best right now. Frantically, calling here and there, flirting like mad, coxing people to be my participants in my interview. So far, I managed to get only one male participant. Just that I need to set and confirm again with him the date. I pray hard that he is ok and will not postpone or back off from my research.

I realise that now, to be a researcher, it is not easy. Especially when people belittle your ability, knowledge and your research (that is dear to you). It is a part of the challenges. I am in this journey. Even though there is an option of turning back, that is not the option that I opt for. I will fight and do whatever it takes to make sure, every tear and sweat are worthwhile and blessed by Allah.

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