Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Emotionally unbalanced...

Had a chat with my nephew today, then I found out something about my dad.

Nephew: asal appeared offline?
Me: saja, tak boleh ke. tgh buat transcribing...
Nephew: paktok kena jahit ari tu tau tak?
Me: WHAT???? jahit kat mana
Nephew: kt kepala la. tgh jln jatuh
Me: bila
Nephew: last week. paklim blk. mak ckp paktok menangis bile paklim nk balik. paklim baca quran, die duk kat kaki paktok. pastu paktok rase sedih la kot. paktok sedih sebab dpt dgr anak die baca quran. ari jumaat ari tu baru buka jaahit
Me: i c. jatuh kat mana. kat toilet ke? kepala dia kena bowl tandas tu ke
Nephew: tak tau la. tapi ambulan siap dtg
Me: dia pitam ke
Nephew: tersadung kot. mak ckp skrg ni tido bertiga dalam satu bilik. mak, maktok ngan paktok

I was transcribing when I chatted with my nephew. The incident? Nearly two weeks ago. The stitches have been removed last Friday. When things like this happened, when I heard about it way too long after everybody knew about it, really breaks my heart.

I am feeling numb. I am sad. What can I do about it? To let the fact to sink in? Not an easy job. Ya Allah, hanya padaMu sahaja aku menyerah dan memohon agak diberikan kekuatan untuk menghadapi cabaranMu ini

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