Received The News couples of weeks ago. At that time, I don't think that I care that much. For one thing, The Day that I dreaded most may not come true. After all, it is costly to travel to UK during winter. On top of that, to travel Europe and few places in UK itself, will cost a bomb. For a student like me, I will not burn a hole in my pocket. Unless someone give me a treat and sponsor the expenses. Dalam mimpi la.
My best friend and her family (mom and younger siblings) will come to UK this winter and it is confirmed. Originally, they will go to a place way further than my place in midland. Turn out that the in law is very busy with her things (she is also doing a PhD) and on top of that, her family is also visiting at the same time. Alright la kan. The family and the in law family. What a big happy family gathering it would be. Well, apparently she is not that keen to receive the in law. That's the way my friend saw it. So being her best friend, who by chance is also in UK, she asked me a favor if they can come to my place. Durham is a nice place. Even winter, it is a nice place to experience the cold, perhaps to see real snow (even though it could be ciput snow) if you are lucky.
My first reaction. Why not? Who knows that I can impress her mother that could be my future MIL? Dalam mimpi la. On a second thought, I have another reaction. "WHAT ON EARTH @%#$#$ I think that it would be a perfect timing?" As a student like her in law, I also have my own stuff to settle. My annual progress review and presentation. Although my supervisor is away - sabbatical leave- yet I have my second supervisor, mind you. So, I still have to do some "mengadap" session. Anyway, I received an email from my supervisor's secretary that I have to submit my report by 20 December. My oh my! When I looked back at that calender, actually I only have 2weeks to finish everything (editing included) before she and her family come after Raya Haji. Ya Allah! I started to panic at first. With a flu, runny nose and bad cough that I am having right now, I just feel that 2 weeks are not enough. The thing is I feel lethargic whenever I took the flu medication. I know that I suppose to lie down and get enough rest. With so much things to do, I simply can't let lie down without doing anything.
On top of that, my best friend asked me if I could help her to book tickets to go to certain places (with me as the tourist guide). It is my pleasure to bring her to certain places that I have went and haven't go yet. Still, to take a break for 2 weeks while she and her family are here, seems unthinkable. Yeah, being me who is a studious type, taking a break is like committing a suicide. I have to learn to take things and do certain things slowly. It is a good thing that I got this flu. It really teaches me to slow down a bit.
So, done some booking (although it burns my pocket a bit - because I have to use my money first and she will pay back when she comes here). It gave me quite a terrible headache to help her with the booking and all. What a relief! Finally, get the booking done yesterday. What really concerns me right - a bit- now is how to entertain Her Mother aka The Mother of the Same Guy that I prayed for while performing umrah? I don't know if it is a sign to show her that I could be her next DIL or it could be another sign to show me that He is not The Guy. Well, their mother is a nice lady. Met her couples of time before. That's before she knows that I like her son. Now, things might be different. I don't know if she will behave differently and thus, I should always be on my guard 24/7 or what. Nevertheless, I will be myself. The new me -since I changed my status back to student and after I performed umrah- might shock her a bit. In what way I have changed? It is hard to describe it but I know that I have changed and people who are close to me can see the different. Some of them might be a bit shocked at first but true friends will always be there despite the change. So far, true friends do stick with me still.
Whatever it is, well, it is not a big problem. Just another challenge on a way. Either I prepare for it or not, I will be myself no matter what. She can be impressed with me or not. For all I care, I will be me.
Life is a challenge to be true to yourself sometimes. Yet, what matter most is to be true to yourself despite the challenges of life.
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