Saturday, December 20, 2008

I deserve the best.... everyone does.....

Yesterday (Friday) at 4pm on the dot, I sent my progress report to Richard. Finally, I managed to finish my report after so many sleepless nights. It's not that I burn the mid night oil, never did that. I have restless sleeps. Sleep but I don't feel rested.

The only time I remember that I stayed up to study is when I was in form 4 in 1994. I have this exam - SMU and Syahadah that were held on the same days. Yup... there are 10 subjects for each exam I think. Luckily, I passed with flying colours in both exam. Don't ask me how I did that. Never know what or how. Just I think my mom's prayers were been answered. Yeah, finally, one of her children did take the exams.

My mom had this thinking and vision that I will be an ustazah someday. Little that she expects (I also didn't expect it) that I will be slightly different from what she has stored in her mind. After SPM, I asked my mom permission to further my study in Egypt. Yup... Al-Azhar University. Or any universities in Jordan. Being the youngest, my mom is quite hesitated and thus, she asked me to opt for local universities instead. Being me, I told her that I would enroll in the program of my choice. I choose Human Sciences program. Yeah, never have any idea what Human Sciences are all about.

I did majored in Psychology after contemplating to major in either Sociology or Psychology. It turned out that I got better grade in Psychology and thus, Psychology, I chose. Even though I love Psychology, not many people believe that I can make a living with a degree in Psychology. Even my best friend is quite skeptical at first, after all Psychology is not a popular program. Bak kata orang, "Boleh kerja apa dengan ijazah Psikologi ni?" Well, whatever degree one may have is not the issue of searching work and whatnot.

For some, the levels of education matter. Some of my friends back in secondary school feel inferior when with me. I can sense that when we hanged out together. I don't give it a d***m for one thing. As long as you are honest, good, empathic and do not rob a bank or drug abused, I can accept anyone as my friends. There is no reason to feel intimidated or inferior. After all, all of us deserve the best ... aren't we?

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