Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I was......

My best friend and her mom and younger siblings came to Durham. They arrived safely on 9 Dec (Tuesday). I was excited and at the same time anxious. I got stomachache aka cirit birit (tak teruk). Fetched them and met them at the train station. Since the car is terlebih muatan, my best friend and I took a stroll around Durham town. The weather is quite ok. Took some pictures around town.

I cooked Nasi Briyani. Yeah, it becomes almost like a signature dish to entertain guests. Alhamdulillah, the nasi and lauk were ok. Just nice. My best friend gave me 4 stars for the rating. Yeah la tu. The mom was quite impressed with my culinary skills. Just it is quite sad that F**** was sick after that. Ye la. Makan tambah banyak kali. Perut dah la kosong masa datang Durham. (Sedap sangat ke aku masak? Sampai tambah banyak kali. F***** pun tambah banyak kali. Memang sedap kot - statement perasan). Well, I felt bad a little. Is it about my nasi briyani? Errmmmm .... Alhamdulillah, it was not food poisoning. Just a normal reaction due to an empty stomach.

On 10 Dec, we went to Amsterdam. Well, something happened. I felt bad. Again, I am just an outsider. There is no way that I should get involved. Got back on 12 Dec. Then on 15 Dec, went to Edinburgh. Alhamdulillah, we managed to find Hard Rock in Edinburgh. Managed to buy the t-shirts and whatnot.

While waiting them to visit and explore Edinburgh Castle, the mom confided in me about my best friend. Well, I can't do nothing much about it. After all, it's her life.

I was not in the best mood myself. Pening kepala dan tengah risau pasal my report yg kena ubah balik tu. Alhamdulillah, my best friend is understanding.

They went back to Leicester on 16 Dec (Tuesday). I was sad to send them back. I sent them to the bus stop only. Not the train station. I was not prepared. When I went down, I am quite surprise that they already packed their things. I don't know what to prepare for breakfast so I roasted some chicken parts. I showed my best friend how to do it so she can do it herself. Had a little chat with her in the kitchen (with her mom eavesdropping hehhehehehhe). The chicken was nicely cooked. Tak ireng. Alhamdulillah. F**** dan F***** makan bertambah-tambah. Budak-budak nak membesar. I don't know what they will tell the big bro. For all I care, now it does not matter anymore. Ayyy.... my life = me and my things for now.

Semalam macam mana boleh terserempak dengan mamat Birmingham dengan Glasgow tu beberapa kali. F***** teased me. Ye la tu. They are anak ikan. Again, I am not ready to get married I think at this point. I have to finish my PhD first. Nothing else matters.

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