Thursday, December 25, 2008

This is just a phase...

It is a sunny day and not a bit like any gloomy winter day. Seems like it's already spring, but it is still winter. K** went to Birmingham and Nottingham on 23 Dec. So, just me, Z*** and A*** left. It's quite quiet without K** that we used to dub her as The Underage. She just laughs when we call her that.

I** my bestfriend is in Paris. I hope she is fine and having a marvelous time there as I did last Summer.

When I think back, I have changed a lot since the last time I saw her. She's changed a bit too. Accepting the new me could be a hard thing for her. Accepting the new her could be a hard thing for me too. I will learn to accept her unconditionally. That's what friends do. We respect each other.

Respect has to be earned, not be given. When it comes to certain things, being bossy shows that you don't respect a person. Especially when it comes to ordering people to do something that you can do yourself. I feel empathy with S*****. S***** was left alone while A**** went to Germany for a holiday. She told us that A**** asked her to do some house work. A*** and Z*** were quite surprised upon hearing it. Me? Well, nothing to be surprised as we (M** and I) were used to be bossed around by her. Yeah. People won't believe it at first when we told them about it. It doesn't matter anymore, I guess. Some people are just being inconsiderate and bossy. What can we do about it? As for me, I will make sure that I keep my distance from such people. Mean and bossy people do not deserve to be my friends. Fullstop.

Ya Allah, I know that I should not have this feeling of anger and hatred. I know I should be more compassionate and kind no matter how I was treated. I am just being myself. I have to be selective in choosing my friends and the people that I want to be close with. I want to be a better person. I don't want to have and imitate bad behaviours. I pray that I will be in Your Blessing and Grace for all time and Your Forgiveness is what I seek always.

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