Monday, December 22, 2008

It's my birthday

31 years ago, my mom brought me to this world. After a bit of complication, I was born. The nurse attending my mom was a trainee nurse and my birth would give her the certification that she wanted most. My mom told me how the nurse pleaded me to come out after waiting few hours and there I was a bit stubborn to come out to this world. To that kakak/mak cik nurse, thanks for your help, patience and assistance. My mom could never have made it without your help. With your patience and compassion, I was born natural way. I don't know if you still remember me as being the one who left such an important mark in your life. Me = end of training and you got your nursing certificate.

We never know how important we are to various people in their lives and vice versa - how important are others in our lives. We make differences to others and others make differences in our lives. Insignificant as it may seem, we never know how simple gesture might leave big impact on others.

This is my birthday. I never thought that I will celebrate my 30th and 31st birthday abroad. It is not that important. I know. Yet, thinking back, last year, I celebrated it in Cardiff. Went to Cardiff with Kak Narina. This year, I celebrate it with my friends. Close friends. Yet I never know why I am not looking forward for the party.

Well, the thing is, something happened last year. I was deeply hurt. I am a person that hard to forget kind of person and when it comes to certain thing, don't mess up with me or I will avoid that person altogether as long as I can.

I know that I can't be selfish. Never know how things might turn in the future.

Well, this is my birthday and I want to celebrate it with my close ones.

This is one of the best birthdays that I will not forget.

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