Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Three days in a row...

It is my first time to write this blog three days in a row. Never did it before. It seems that I have lots of time on my hand but the thing is I feel suffocated. Suffocated with the things I have to do and am struggling to do it.

I just don't know. I feel that, I dont have the mental agility that I used to have. I know that I should "polish" up my mental agility and concentration. A simple task watching TV (trying to make sense of the Brits accent) seems so hard. Argh, I should be selective and only watch American programmes.

It was snowing for a very short while. After that, I saw few birds flying care freely from my window. Ahhh... The feeling of freedom is priceless. I took a few seconds to close my eyes and imagine myself as one of the birds. While doing that, I breath in slowly and enjoy the every air that fill in my lungs and breath out again. I feel more calm after that.

(The picture was taken during the last visit to Amsterdam in Dec 08)

I should stop now. I need to catch up doing things that I suppose to do.

1) Letters to Z*** and A***.
2) Complete the 2 pages ethic committee thing
3) QA refining

Just three things that I have to do for today.

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