Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What's wrong with me?

I know that whatever I am doing is not ethical. Ya Allah, I am desperate here. Thinking back, I am reflecting myself as a supervisor and as a friend. What will I do if I am in that situation? Helping someone in dire strait is a noble act yet ethical boundary has to be observed. No matter what.

It is easier said than done though. Whatever it is, I have done my best and I don't know if it is worthwhile or not. That? I leave to Allah. Yeah, this is what Tawakkal is all about. Giving your very best, doing the very best and the rest you leave to Allah to reward you the best equivalent to your deeds.

The funny thing is I just realize that I booked the wrong ticket flight. Wrong date and Alhamdulillah I notice it while printing other things. Alhamdulillah. Allah Rewards me by showing my mistake now, than later. Just imagine what will happen to me when I find out later on the day itself!!! I might be stranded and have to buy another ticket which will cost me few hundreds pound. Although, I can't refund the ticket that I have bought, yet Alhamdulillah it does not cost me much. The amount is equivalent to a ticket bus from JB-KL. Alhamdulillah. I am thankful beyond words.

P.S: This is the yesterday entry which I save and then too lazy to complete it.

I am lazy to create different page so, this is today's entry (4 February 09). I found out that B***** is getting married. Alhamdulillah. My first reaction is Alhamdulillah. I am so happy to hear the news. Finally, he is getting married. Perhaps he really thinks about all those things that I said to him last June that made him to decide this. Alhamdulillah. I prostrate to you Allah upon hearing this (sujud syukur).

I got a reply from the EPU webmaster and asked me that I should send another proposal and then send the MYKAD copy using PDF format. I tried to download the PDF converter on my laptop and failed to do so. I started calling here and there, msg-ing people all across the globe to help me to convert my words file into pdf. Alhamdulillah, managed to contact Kak A** in Bristol and managed to talk to N** and N** said that she will help me to convert the file for me. This is one of the panic stricken moments. Alhamdulillah. There is a solution to that. Alhamdulillah. I am glad that Allah Blesses me with solutions for every troubles and glitches that I stumble upon.

P** said that I am a bit hyper and she knows that when I am a bit hyper, things could be either good or bad. Well, this time around, I am a bit hyper in a good way. Hearing B***** will get married next month really makes my day. Alhamdulillah. I am thankful for this news. I did pray that he will get married when I went Umrah last year and thus forget about me all together. Alhamdulillah, it is being answered.

Life: The otherness of history will be there to challenge us no matter what. Success or failure is not something we can control. What we can do is: do the best, pray for the best and the rest totally are rested on Allah's Blessing and Mercy.

Ya Allah, no matter what happen, I pray that I will live and die with Iman and totally submit myself to You.


Nur said...


what a drama! so many things happen to you, BUT I CANT BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE THAT HAPPY THAT B****'S GETTING MARRIED! *wink wink*

yeah yeah, i know i know, i'm focusing on my lit rev! i swear!

life is ... said...

This is not a drama. Come to think about it, I deserve a better guy what?

B***** has to lower his standard. Tak dapat yg mengajar bakal cikgu, dapat cikgu pun jadi la. I am happy that finally, he has moved on. Good for him. As a friend, I should wish him all the best. After all, I wish him to find a woman to be his wife, who is better than me.

Above all states in Malaysia, nak cari juga orang Johor.

I am proud to be a Johorean!!!!

Nur said...

hehehe, chill out sis,

you deserve more than a better guy, you deserve the best guy! dont worry, entah2 balik nih ada jer yang menunggu depan mata..hah...jeng jeng jeng!

yeah, i want perakian as well...! hahahahahaha