Whatever 1: I never know how this started. I find myself replying B*****'s emails on daily basis. Babe? What are you doing? No need to worry. It seems that we just exchanging few banters here and there from afar. Nothing much about it. I guess he can't have the same kind of bantering with his future wifey. As a replied to my previous email, B***** said that life could be simple if we want to understand it in a simple way. Like the enjoyment of eating. Typical answer of his. Yeah right. For that matter, he resorts to me to challenge his mind. What a complicated thing to do? I am complicated. He said that. Well, for goodness sake, why on earth does he come to me for such kind of bantering? Argh. Man. They can never be satisfied. They want some simple minded women as their wives (so that they can control them ... err their mind) and resort to complicated, intricate, challenging kind of women that they don't want to commit. Am I the other woman? Oh please. This cannot be true. I should stop this. His emails = whatever. His advancement = whatever. Whatever.
Whatever 2: I am panic. My supervisor hasn't give me any feedback. Argh. What should I do now? I need the ethic committee's approval before I go back. Should I just send the summary to Sheena? Argh. The hard part is, my supervisor is one of the ethic committee members. Does it mean that I can get the things done in a jiff? How far can I rely on her position to help me with this things? I know that I should trust her. Yet, I just want to make sure that I do things correctly. Whatever.
Whatever 3: Kak Yeo has been very kind and helpful to call the EPU and EPRD. Alhamdulillah, my application to the KPT seems has no problem. They are processing the application and I will get the feedback by latest in March. With the EPU things, it seems that the approval must come from the office of KSU. Ketua Setiausaha Unit. Too many layers of bureaucracy. Whatever.
Life is life. Sometimes what we should do is just shrug off our shoulders and just move on. And say "WHATEVER".
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