Friday, February 27, 2009

Just another week before my annual review

I will have my annual review on 5 March. At 3.30pm. My reviewers, both are Professors. One of them, Jim Ridgway is a Professor in Cognitive and Applied Psychology. The other one is Mike Fleming, the kind fellow who came once to the research room to ask me to attend a meeting with a university representative since there is no postgraduate student was around at that time (I was so ignorant when it comes to whatnot in school. Especially when I am doing my work, I am totally immersed myself with my work (mamat handsome lalu pun tak nampak - ruginya!). At that time, I didn't know that he hold some high position in the school. This mat salleh is so relax. Wearing sweater lusuh with jeans (which equally lusuh). Doesn't look like a Professor at all. Tu belum lagi my 2nd supervisor with his hugging t-shirt and pants. Adoi, ruginya dia tu gay! Kalau tidak, dah lama aku mengurat!

The scenario is totally different in Malaysia. The higher the position that one has in the faculty, the more stylo he or she is. Just a glance over the shoes (sebab tak berani nak pandang atas, jadi selalunya pandangan ini hanya akan tertumpu pada kaki mereka sahaja) you can guess what position that person has in the faculty.

Ops... got diverted to different issue here!

Come back to my annual review. I don't have any idea of what to present. Of course my supervisor has told me what are the expectations and whatnot. At that time, I didn't checked the education background of my reviewers. When I saw the title "Professor" in front of their names, I kind of freak out. I don't know what to expect.

Steve, aka my 2nd supervisor is also a Professor. He is so relax, cool, calm and collected. He is very sharp too. Just one sentence from me about statistical analysis, he can make a conclusion already. Amazing, isn't it? Supposedly, I have to meet Steve this week. Steve emailed me that he is not available this week. Adoi.... bila lagi nak jumpa dia?

So what to present to the persons who can always tell what are the conclusions of your presentation even by hearing one sentence from you?

I look at my slides. It seems does not make any sense. The more I have a look at it, the more confused I become. I have to admit, even though people may think that those who are doing their PhD must have IQ more than average, well, in my case, I am not one of them.

I don't know. I feel more stupid than before embarking myself in this journey.

Well, now at least I know that I am stupid. Alhamdulillah. I realise that I need to study smart and hard (double or triple times more). To take things for granted is not what I should do.

1 comment:

HCI said...

Dear Hadijah,

I brought my comment in R2D2 here: Hope your presentation will be a success. Jangan susah-susah fasal gi pasar tu. Tapi kalau ada kemudahan, benih tu ada kat supermarket. I dah banyak basil. Cuma R2D2 may find it useful to spice up her anti-cancer food. Good luck to you.

Dear Hadijah,

I dah e mailed kat you. Benih tu ada jual kat supermarket, dalam paket kertas kecil.

Bukan kat pasar basah. Biasa dalam supermarket, benih ini ada kat rak, di bahagian alat-alat berkebun dan baja.